New HSK Structure:

   The following will be the new structure withing HSK. There will be two main squads.  We are doing this to eliminate confusion within the clan and to make wars run more smoothly.  Each squad will have Squad leader, whom assigns different ranks within their squad.  The Squad leader must report status of each member under his rank to Vortex.  If you have any suggestions or comments, please contact Vortex.

Squad One:                                      Squad Two:
Re-arranging squads. please check back later.

     Each member of each squad can be promoted or demoted into another squad. This is why status must be monitored by each squad leader.  Others are people whom are not in wars nor practices much, therefore loosing privilage to be within a squad.  
Squad One will be handling the more experienced clans within SF, and Squad Two handles the newer or not so experienced clans.  I beleive this format will allow more consistancy within HSK and allow each player to play to his/her full capacity.  Do not loose sight that this is only for fun, but Squads brings more action within our clan.